To begin, congratulations Mr. Cruz. Unless you sabotage your own campaign we will see you in the Senate later this year. Your race to, and through, the run off was remarkable. You ran on the strength of the Tea Party and successfully challenged the conservative credentials of Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst. There were horrendous allegations thrown around and now the dust has settled. Your storied runoff caught national media coverage and now you have that stage as well, and have probably earned the opportunity to speak at the Republican National Convention. The point being is that you have access to the nation in representing Texas.
I ask simply that you spend your hard earned political capitol helping our great state instead of continuing the gridlock in Congress. I have looked over your 12 step plan and have some questions in need of clarification:
1. Repeal Obamacare. I understand that that is your stance. There have been 33 failed votes to repeal the law and the Supreme Court has ruled the individual mandate constitutional as a tax. If Congress can't obtain the number of votes to repeal the law, would you be willing to work with your fellow Congressmen to make it more favorable to your fellow Texans?
2.Kill Cap and Trade. The bill was dead on the floor during the presidents first budget. I haven't heard what you would do to tackle the global warming issue. 97% of scientists agree that it is manmade, what kind of solutions do you find palatable, workable, or reasonable?
3. Champion tax reform. You suggest a flat tax or a fair tax that institutes a 30% exclusive sales tax. If I understand correctly, that is on top of state taxes. Thereby in Texas, we would be looking at a 38.5% sales tax in addition to the current property tax. You also mentioned dropping corporate taxes to 15%. Can you explain how you would balance revenue and spending to protect Texans and still provide for those entrepreneurs who fail?
4. Repeal Dodd-Frank. Significant failures in the financial industry came about from deregulation of Glass-Steagall Act. What regulations, if any, would you work to put in its place? If you aren't going to back any regulations, what strategies would you back to protect the public from financial predation?
I am an Independent and value solutions, diplomacy, and competence over practiced dogma on both sides of the aisle. You are entering into the national stage and as you are to represent our great state, I hope to see you do it with honesty, integrity, and dignity. Our country is facing dire consequences. Between the sequester that no one wants to take responsibility for, rampant filibustering, high unemployment, and the stone wall of partisanship, we need representatives that will get things accomplished. I hope you are that man, I do have one quick correction for you though. You echoed what Romney said about President Obama gutting the work requirement from welfare, according to Politifact that is patently false. All I ask is this, soon to be Senator Cruz, check your party at the door and remember where you hang your hat.
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